and sustainbility.
Protecting and strengthening the communities and environments in which we live and work
We are passionate about our environments
We are naturally very deeply connected to environmental stewardship and sustainability, and are so privileged that nurturing nature is part of our job. Because of this, ecological integrity underpins our operations, ensuring we are minimising any negative environmental impact. From employing water-wise irrigation systems and promoting native plant species to implementing sustainable maintenance practices, we actively contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and the reduction of our carbon footprint.
Beyond the work we do, we also promote sustainability through wider scale projects to make a larger impact, as well as actively seek relevant certifications.
Community engagement has always been important to us, and we know we are in a position to add value and help in impactful ways. Across each of our founding businesses, we regularly participate in our local communities through volunteering, sponsorships, donations and other forms of support.
Most of our founding organisations maintain third party accreditation for all operational aspects.
Green by Nature values sustainability and constantly search for ways to embed environmentally friendly ideas into our day-to-day work.
There is nothing we enjoy more than inspiring and delighting our customers and our communities and being able to help them in other ways. In New Zealand, we offer free BBQ Trailer and Gazebo Hire.

Supporting our communities in meaningful ways
Community engagement has always been important to us, and we know we are in a position to add value and help in impactful ways. Across each of our founding businesses, we regularly participate in our local communities through volunteering, sponsorships, donations and other forms of support.
Some of these initiatives include supporting local schools with horticulture education, sponsoring local sport teams and multiple indigenous engagement initiatives.
We have also supported national programs as well, such as Clean Up Australia Day, Tour de Cure, Act for Kids, and mental health organisations .
Take a look at some of our key community initiatives.
Major Partnerships
Green by Nature partnered with Greenfleet in 2021 to take climate action. Greenfleet is a leading not-for-profit organisation and Australia’s first carbon offset provider. Our impact with Greenfleet includes:
We supported the planting of 30,000 square metres of native forest on Djaara Country in Central Victoria to restore biodiversity and endangered temperate woodlands. The site is called Ngulambarra, which means “meeting place” in Dja Dja Wurrung language
These endangered temperate woodlands used to make up large areas of South-Eastern Australia, however since European settlement, major portions of woodland ecosystems have disappeared due to land clearing.

Throughout the Ngulambarra project, more than 20 native tree plant species were planted, helping to reconnect habitat for many endangered or threatened wildlife species in the region, as the ecosystem becomes established. It also improves site hydrology and reduces soil erosion and salinity.
For the past two years, Green by Nature established a Carbon Offset Christmas tradition to celebrate with those we work with. In 2021, we offset the equivalent of many of our clients’ households for the Christmas month, and in 2022 we did the same for a large portion of our client’s vehicles for three months. We sent the certificates (see attached) to our clients to encourage enthusiasm and excitement around how easy it is to help reduce your carbon footprint. We have offset nearly 1,000 tonnes of carbon over the past two years.

To ensure we are increasing environmental awareness and momentum, many staff were offered the chance to participate in planting days with Greenfleet.This included a planting at Ngulambarra.

Toitū Envirocare in New Zealand. Our impact with Toitū includes:
Our New Zealand business achieved Enviro-Mark Diamond Status through Toitū Envirocare in Auckland in 2008. This recognition has been extended throughout our other depots across New Zealand. Toitū Enviro-mark diamond certified organisations exceed the requirements of ISO 14001, one of the world’s best known environmental standards.

In 2020, Green by Nature started the process of becoming Carbonreduce certified through Toitū Envirocare in accordance with ISO 14064-1. After completing a data-gathering stage to measure the current carbon footprint, a formal audit was conducted in April 2021. Following the audit, Green by Nature and Toitū Envirocare identified practical steps for each Council contract area to implement the journey to becoming carbon neutral and a Carbonzero certified operation.

Recent Initiatives