Shana Champions The Women In Turf Program

January 31, 2024
Victoria Thompson
1 Minute Read

Our own Shana Stopp, just returned from a week in the world of professional golf course maintenance, thanks to the John Deere’s Women in Turf program.

Shana shared that “The greenkeeping team took me under their wing, not a single question went unanswered, and their patience helped me get the hang of things in no time.’’

More than just learning, Shana experienced firsthand the power of the Webex Players Series: a tournament where men and women compete on equal footing. “Seeing that equality in action gave me goosebumps,” she admits. “This program isn’t just about teaching women the tricks of the turf, it’s about showing them they belong there, right alongside the best.”

“To any woman out there curious about the turf industry, I say this: take the leap! This program, this experience, it’s not just about greens and mowers, it’s about breaking barriers and building a future where women swing alongside men, on equal turf.”

Team Leader Shana Stopp at the 2024 John Deere Women In Turf Program.
Members playing a round of golf at the 2024 John Deere Women In Turf Program.

Follow the link below to learn more about the John Deere program HERE.

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