Health Care
Natural landscapes to give your patients the best care
Healing through nature
It’s long been known that time spent in nature is good for us. However, a rapidly growing body of research provides evidence that the benefits are substantial, including changes to our mood and impacts on the way our nervous, endocrine and immune systems function.
A recent study by the Royal Botanic Gardens of Victoria showed that access to natural landscapes for patients can reduce stress and improve clinical outcomes and it has been found that the quality of the green space impacts health and wellbeing outcomes.
We understand that Hospitals and Heath Precincts have unique requirements, and our teams are passionate about delivering those requirements and creating vibrant and interesting landscapes to help improve patient recovery and wellbeing.
Our horticulturalists selected to work within our Health Care Team have a high level of empathy and discretion and understand that visitors and patients can be distracted by their emotions or require solitude. They are quick to recognise when work needs to be paused or areas of work moved from distracted or distraught patients and visitors, giving them a space that is free from noise and hazards in which to reflect.
We understand that areas such as Maternity Wards and Mental Health and Dementia units require a specialised approach. New babies and Mums need a peaceful environment to bond. Our teams carry battery powered equipment to work around maternity wards, providing a quieter environment and no emissions into the air-conditioning system. We know that patient and staff security and well-being is the primary focus in Mental Health and Dementia units. Seemingly little things like ensuring gates and doors that are closed remain closed when they finish are essential and we pay special attention.
With Green by Nature, your peace of mind is a key priority.