Demonstrating leadership and committment to growing the profile of the landscape care industry

As industry leaders, Green by Nature believes that we have a responsibility to demonstrate leadership and commitment to growing the profile and appreciation of the landscape care industry. In support of our commitment, Green by Nature has formed a strong partnership with Parks and Leisure Australia (PLA) with the goal to provide green space expertise that is useful, helpful and builds a stronger foundation for our industry. We are doing this via participation in networks to support industry newcomers, sponsorship and events, and committee involvement.

More involved than mere attendance

Moving away from the traditional attendance of state and national conferences, we wanted to become more involved with these events and offer stronger guidance for our industry. We have presented multiple abstracts at PLA conferences about best practices adn technology innovations, as well as collaborating with external parties to deliver detailed expertise on subjects outside our domain. We also have a presence on the Queensland Conference Committee, helping to organise and make key decisions in the preparation and planning of the PLA QLD conference.

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